Ambezim G for phlebitis thrombophlebitis decubitus ulcers and ocular trauma and haemorrhages

Ambezim  G
Trypsin 5 mg+Chymotrypsin 5 mg

Composition :

Each Ambezim-G film coated tablet contains:
Trypsin 5 mg
Chymotrypsin 5 mg     (Equivalent to 200,000 Proteolytic Units)

Pharmacodynamics :

Ambezim-G contains trypsin & chymotrypsin, pancreatic enzymes, which are administered in a form & dosagefavouring an adequate absorption from the intestinal tract.
Ambezlm-G reduces the intensity of inflammation, attenuates the pain, helps in the resolution of oedema & exudate & favours the penetration of antibacterial agents in the affected areas.
Ambezim-G is therefore useful in infective & traumatic conditions accompanied by a local inflammatory reaction where it will accelerate recovery & limit fibrosis & adhesions.

Pharmacokinetics :

Trypsin & chymotrypsin are absorbed after oral dosage administration.They are formulated as enteric coated tablets to resist gastric juice but dissolve in the higher pH of the small intestine & release the dose of enzyme at this point.


Resorption of post-traumatic & post-operative oedema & exudate.
Adjunctive therapy in localised inflammatory conditions such as:
– phlebitis thrombophlebitis decubitus ulcers.,
– Sinusitis, otitis, prevention of post-operative adhesions.
– Ocular trauma & haemorrhages.
– Episiotomy, perineal lacerations following delivery.
– Exudative conditions of the female genital organs with a tendency to fibrosis & adhesions.

Side effects:

Due to their protein nature, proteolytic enzymes can cause allergic reactions or anaphylactic shock which, if they occur, should be treated as usual.Rarely, serious manifestations of hypersensitivity can follow oral adrrtinistration of the product. Other adverse reactions can occur, such as: nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, albuminuria, haematuria & haemorrhagic diathesis.


Known hypersensitivity reactions to trypsin & chymotrypsin. Severe general & local infections (tuberculosis, septicaemia,etc ) Peptic ulcer, severe hepatic or renal disease. Disorders of the blood clotting mechanism & haemorrhagic diathesis.


Appropriate antibacterial therapy must be administered in cases of bacterial infections.
Pregnancy: safe use of proteolytic enzymes have not been established yet. Proteolytic enzymes accelerate the dissolution of surgical sutures made of material from animal origin.

Drug-drug interactions:

Anticoagulants: Avoid when taken concomitantly with

Dosage & administration:

The average dose is two tablets to be taken up to four times daily as follows: two tablets to be taken one hour before each of the three meals & two tablets to be taken just before going to bed.In particular serious clinical conditions, dosage can be increased according to the judgement of the physician.
N.B: Dosage must be established individually according to the
need & to the case.
Dosage must be reduced proportionately for children according to age, weight & following medical advice.

Patient’s instructions:

Ambezlm-G film coated tablet should be taken one hour before each of the three meals.


Ambezim-G film coated tablet are supplied in boxes of 30
film coated tablet each. Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C, in a dry place.
I Keep out of reach of children

produced by :

Industrial Zone, 61n of October City – Egypt

امبيزيم ج لعلاج التهاب الاوردة والتهاب الجلطة الوريدية و التهاب الجيوب الانفية والتهاب الاذن