Pulmonal-N for expectorant and antiallergic


Pulmonal-N  Syrup
Expectorant, antiallergic


Each 15 ml. contains:
Chlorpheniramine maleate                      3 mg
Phenylephrine Hydrochloride              10 mg
Ammonium chloride                                 100 mg
Glyceryl guaiacolate                                  100 mg
Syrup tolu                                                        2 ml
Syrup pectoral                                               2 ml


Pulmonal=-N has antiallergic, bronchodilator and potent expectorant effects with a soothing and demulcent action on the bronchial tree.

Indications & Usage:

– Bronchitis.
– Bronchial asthma.
– Smokers cough.

Warning & precautions:

Pulmonal -N syrup contains:
“Phenylephrine, which is a sympathomimetic agent” So it is advised
to be used with great caution in patients complaining of:
Hypertension, Hyperthyroidism, arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular
In late pregnancy, Phenylephrine may cause uterine contractions
affecting the foetus.
– Don’t use for children less than 2 years absolutely.
– Don’t use for children less than 6 years without medical supervision.

Dosage & Administration:

One to two teaspoonful three times daily.
One tablespoonful three times daily.


Bottles of 120 ml.
For The Medical Profession Only

produced by :

the arab drug companey cairo A.R.E.

بلمونال – ن شراب طارد للبلغم ومضاد للحساسية