Reparil selective anti exudative and anti inflammatory agent


Reparil ® 40
 Enteric-coated tablets
Selective Anti-exudative and Anti-inflammatory agent.

Composition :

One enteric coated tablet contains
Aescin Amorphous 40 mg.


Aescin, the active principle of Horse chest nut in pure form has Anti-exudative, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-oedema effects-at the site of the lesion-by capillary sealing properties which reduce the increased escape_of,Qrotein andlluid. Thua.a.decrease Jnfhe oedema occurs. Complaints such as pain and feeling of tension are rapidly eliminated and the healing process is accelerated.


– Varicosis, leg ulcers.
– Haemorrhoids.
– -Fhrombephtebitis.
– Traumatic swellings (sports injuries), post operative oedema.

– Post concussional headache.     .
– Tenosynovitis.
– Painful lesions of the vertebral column.

 Dosage and Administration:

-Unress otherwise directed, treatment ‘schould be commenced with 1 coated tablet 3 times daily, taken with some fluid after meals.

 Contra – indications:

Ere-existing renaLdamage,-renalJailur.erenaLinsufficiency,during first
trimester of pregnancy, rhesus incompatibility in pregnancy.


Packs of 40 tablets
Keep medicines out of reach of children.

Product of:

Chemical Industries Development (CID)
Giza – A.R.E. – G.C.R.19717
Under licence of: MADAUS GmbH. GERMANY

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