Spasmag for in case of magnesium deficiency


Composition :

Each capsule contains:
Magnesium Sulfate Trihydrate,              419.5 mg
(Quantity correspondent to Magnesium 59mg)
Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae                50mg

Excipients :

Magnesium Stearate, aspartarne, orange aroma, gelatin, Titanium dioxide (E 171), indigo (E 132)

When this medicine should be used  :                               Therapeutic indications:

It is used for adults & children over 6 years in case of magnesium deficiency confirmed by your doctor

In what cases not to be used:

Not to be used in the following cases:
– In case of allergy of any active constituents or any other ingredients in Spasmg capsule.                                                               -In case of severe renal insufficiency (kidney function retailer).    – -In  children under 6 years because of the risk of aspiration.
– In case of phenylketonuria (hereditary disease detected at birth), because of the presence of aspartarne.
– In case of doubt, do not hesitate to take the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

Special warning :

In case of severe deficiency, treatment should be started intravenously. It is the same in case of malabsorption. In case of calcium deficiency, it is recommended to take the treatment of magnesium deficiency in most cases.

Precautions for use :

In-case-oTIloub”do-notilesitate1:o-take-the advice-of’your doctor or pharmacist. .

Drug interactions & other interactions :

If you are taking or have taken another medicine recently, including medicines taken without a prescription, seek the

advice of your doctor or pharmacist :

To avoid possible interactions between multiple drugs, you should inform systematically your doctor or pharmacist

Pregnancy & Lactation :

Pregnancy: This medication should not be taken during pregnancy unless prescribed by your doctor. In case you discovered that you are pregnant during the treatment, consult your doctor to decide whether to continue or stop using the drug.

Lactation: This medication should be avoided during lactation In general, you should always seek the advice of your doctor or pharmacist before using any medication during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Dose :

For adults & children over 6 years:
Usual dose:
For adults: 5 to 7 capsule/day.
For children over 6 years: 1 to 7 capsule Iday.

Mode and Route of administration :

Capsules should be swallowed with a little water. If necessary, it
can be opened and the contents are mixed with liquid.

Frequency & timing the drug should be administered :

It is preferred to take this drug during meals.

Duration of Treatment :

The usual duration of the treatment is 1 month
In the absence of improvement in symptoms after one month of
treatment, it is not useful to continue the treatment and visit your
doctor. In case of uncertainty consult your doctor or pharmacist.

What to do in case of overdose :

Consult immediately your doctor or pharmacist

What to do in case the administration of one or more doses have been omitted :

Do not take a double dose to compensate the single dose that
you forgot to take.

Undesirable effects :

As other active products, this drug may cause some undesirable effects for some people
Abdominal pain
In case you realize any undesirable effects not mentioned in this leaflet or mentioned in the leaflet as not serious please inform your doctor or your pharmacist.


Do not exceed the expiry date mentioned on the pack.
Store at a temperature not exceeding 30′ C, in dry place.
Keep out of reach of children

Manufactured by :

6·of October City· Egypt

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