Ur aid effervescent granules for uricosuric and for acute gout


UR-AID     Uricosuric & for acute gout

Effervescent granules  


Each 5 9 sachet contains:
Piperazine hydrate     0.128  g
Colchicine                     0.3 mg
Atropine sulfaten       0.128 mg
Effervescent base to   5  g


UR-AID effervescent granules is a multi-functional formulation  combining three active ingredIents- which act In harmony with multiple complementary activities for the management of acute attacks of gout and for promoting urinary excretion of uric acid  Piperazine acts by dissolving uric acid thus preventing its deposition  in the urinary tract. This property ensures the effectiveness of UR-AID in treatment of gout and urinary urate lithiasis. Atropine  sulfate is an antispasmodic which reftevee urefhiic spasms  accompanying urinary washout of urate crystals. UR-AID also contaIns colchicine that provides prompt relief of pain in gouty  attacks. In addition, this formulation causes an increase in urine pH  and is well tolerated by all patients. All these properties ensure effective relief of acute attacks of gout and facilitate rapid excretion of urates in a more soluble form.


. Acute gout and ettort-terrn prophylaxis during initial therapy with allopurinol and uricosuric drugs.

. Prophylaxis against urinary urate stones.


The contents of one sachet are dissolved in half a glass of water and taken before meals three times daily or as prescribed by the  physician.


Narrow-angle glauco, myasthenia gravis, paralytic ileus, pyloric stenosis, prostatic enlargem.eoty. pregnancy and lactation.


Colchicine increases plasma cyclosporine concentrations.


The product should be used with caution in reflux oesophagitis, ulcerative colitis, acute myocardial infarction, hypertension and conditions characterized by tachy ardia.


A box containing 12 sachets.


Keep at a temperature (15-30C)




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