Aspocid Paediatric
Chewable tablets
Analgesic & anti-inflammatory
Each chewable tablet contains:
Acetylsalicylic acid 75mg
Properties :
Aspirin is a potent inhibitor of both prostaglandin synthesis and platelet aggregation. It acts via inactivation of cyclo-oxygenase by acetylation.
Aspocid paediatric chewable tablets are characterized by a pleasant flavour, it
is dissolved in mouth thus causes less gastric irritation and overcomes the difficulty of administering ordinary aspirin.
Indications & usage:
– For adult: prophylaxis against cerebrovascular disease or myocardia ,infarction.
– For children: as analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
– Previous or active peptic ulcer.
– Haemophilia & other bleeding disorders.
– Bronchial asthma.
Side effects:
– Gastrointestinal discomfort.
– Hemorrhagic disorders.
Drug interactions :
– With anticoagulants: increase risk of bleeding.
– With antacids: increase aspirin excretion and so decrease it~ct.
– With corticosteroids : increase risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
– With metociopramide & domperidone : enhance aspirin effect.
Warnings & precautions:
– Acetylsalicylates should be used cautiously in asthma and uncontrolled
– Acetylsalicylates should not to be used in high doses during the last three months of pregnancy due to the possibility of prolpnging the period of pregnancy and the increased risk of antepartum and postpartum haemorrhage as well as the risk of bleeding tendency in newborn.
– For children under 12 years should be used under close medical supervision because aspirin may cause symptoms of Reye’s syndrome especially in cases of influenza and chickenpox.
– Acetylsalicylates should be avoided in breast feeding mothers.
Dosage & administration:
– For vascular disease: 1 tablet daily or as prescribed by the physician.
– For analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect: ( 2-3 ) tablets ( 4-6 ) times daily
preferably after meals.
A carton box containing 5 ( opaline paper) strips each of 6 tablets.
Store below 30·C and R.H. below 70 %
Produced by :
Chemical Industries Development ( CID)
Giza -A.R.E