Cervitam capsules
Each capsule contains:
– Piracetam 400 mg
– vincemine 20 mg
– Piracetam. It is neotropic, known as intelligence booster. It facilitates the oxygen supply to the brain and enhances oommunication between the left and right parts of the brain. It also enhances the memory.
– vincemine: It has been proven that it is very effective in increasing concentration and attention. 11 is vasodilator. it increases blood now and circulation s~.J!.v in cases of cerebral insufficlenc:y of various types. More and above Vincamine has very low toxicity, as it is an extract of plant origin.
– Symptomatic Improvement of vertigoes.
– improvement of certain symptoms of pathological intellectual deficiency of geriatrics (troubles of concentration, memory etc.).
– Treatment of constituted cerebral infarction.
– Oomplementary treatment to remedy symptoms of pathologic cognitive deficiency and chronic neurosensorial for geriatrics (exduding Alzheimer and other mental disturbances).
– severe renal insufficiency (if there is no dialysis, it is not advisable to use high dosage for short intervals).
– Hypersensitivity to one of the components .
– cereorai neo-formation with intercranial hypertension
– Usaqe with certain medications causing extremities twist e.g. Bepridil, Bretylium, Disopyramide, Erythromycin (I.V), Quinidin and Sultopride.
Relative :
– Hypokalemla: hypokalemic diuretic, stimulant laxative, Amphotericine (I.V.)
– vlncemme may provoke extremities twist, it is advisable to observe conditions predisposing extremities twist.
– Before starting treatment with Vincamine. it is advisable to correct hypokalemia caused by use of other medications, and bradycardia of all origins
– Auriculoventricular conduction troubles
– Cardlac arrythmia, Vincamine should be used with caution and under strict surveillance.
Warnings & precautions:
In cases of renal insutticrency, dose should be modified. As Cervitam is totally eliminated in urine, it is preferable to reduce doses or to increase time between doses, when clearance is less than 60 mllmin. In absence of control on plasmatic rates of Piracetam, it is preferable to reduce the doses or to increase time between doses, according to values of creatinin clearance.
Interaction with other medications:
Prohibited concomitance, with Bepridil, Bretylium, Erythromycin (I. V.), Ouinidines. Inadvisable concomitance with hypokalemic diuretics, amphotericine (I.V), cortlcolces. stimulant laxatives. Medications causing extremities twist e.g. pentamidine, sparfloxacine, terfenadine.
Side effects:
Notable cases of nervous agitation, instability, insomnia are accentuated with usage in elderly (5 % incidence). Gastro- intestinal troubles e.g. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. gastralgia ( 2 % of cases ). Possibility of widening of OT space and risk of extremities twist.
Dosage and mode of administration:
1-2 capsules three times daily (according to severity of the case).
tiJ;l. Capsules should be swallowed as whole (without opening or chewing it), with half glass of water.
Box of 20 capsules in two strips (10 capsules each)
Store below 30°C, Protect from light, Keep in a dry place
Keep out of the reach of children
Produced by :
EGYPHAR Obour City. Egypt