neurovit – Ampoules
A high potency neurotropic analgesic vitamin BI, B6 and BI2 combination.
Each 3 ml ampoule contains:
Thiamine HCI (Vitamin B,1) 250 mg
Pyridoxine HCI () 100 mg
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin 812) 250 mcg
Properties :
Neurovit contains a balanced high dose combination of vitamins B” B6 and BI2 which exerts remarkable analgesic and neurotropic actions. Thiamine is needed for decarboxylation of keto acids, hence its importance ill the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats. Severe affliction of the central nervous system is evidenced in Beriberi,
wernicke’s syndrome, and Korsakoff’s psychosis which are believed to occur secondary to vitamin B, deficiency. Pyridoxine is involved in the metabolism of amino acids and is an essential pan of the enzyme glycogen phosphorylase. Deficiency of vitamin B” leads to anorexia, lassitude, painful disabling polyneuropathy, glossitis, pellagra-like skin lesions, and increased urinary oxalate excretion
(predisposing to stone formation). Also, there is evidence that pregnant women develop vitamin B” deficiency and that supplementation may be of value in relieving the nausea during pregnancy. Vitamin BI2 is essential for the function of all cells, but panicularly for cells of the central nervous system, the bone marrow, and the gastrointestinal tract. It is of greatest importancein
nucleic acid and folic acid metabolism. Deficiency of vitamin BIl in the body leads to severe central and penp era nervous system amictlons an pemil:ious anenua. Neurovit ofTers a balanced combination of essential members of the vitamin B complex Ihat
serves to keep the integrity of the nervous system and combat various forms of asthenia.
Indications :
– Metabolic disorders.
– Various types ofanemia including; sideroblastic, megaloblastic and pernicious anemia.
– Peripheral neuritis.
– Demyelination and other neurological disorders.
– Chronic and acute beri-beri.
– To improve fat, carbohydrate and amino acid metabolism.
– Depletion or increased demands of vitamins B” 86 and B12.
Contraindications :
Not known.
Dosage :
One ampoule every other day or as prescribed by the physician.
Presentation :
A box containing 3 ampoules, 3 ml each
produced by :
european egyptian pharmaceutical industries alexandria egypt