Cold & Cough Syrup
In this leaflet:
1- What is Triamlnic Cold & Cough syrup and what is it used for?
2- How does Tnamlflic Cold & Cough syrup work?
3- Check before you take Triammic Cold & Cough syrup
4- How ro take Triaminie Cold & Cough syrup?
5- What SIde etfectscan Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup have?
6- How to store Triamnuc Cold & Cough syrup?
7- Date of information ?
Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup :
Each teaspoon of Triaminlc Cold & Cough syrup (5 ml) contains: ‘5 mg of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride, 1 mg of chlorpheniramine maleate and 5 mg 0f dextromethorphan hydrobcomlde as active Ingredients. It also contains: benzoic acid, FD&C Red 40, flavour. propylene glycol. purilied water. punliftd siliceous earth. sodium chloride, sorbitol, sucrose.
Triamimc Cold & Cough is available in a palatable cherry flavoured, alc0hoi free syrup.
Each teaspoon contains: sodium 10 mg.
1. What Is Triamtnlc Cold & Cough syrup and what Is It used for?
Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup contains a combination of a decongestant (pseudoephedrine hydrochloride). a cough suppressant (dextromethorpt’lan hydrobromide) and an antihistamine (cnlorphemramee maleate).
Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup temporatity relieves the following
symptoms: .
– non-productive or dry cough due 10 minor throat and bronchial irritation;
– runny nose;
– nasal and sinus congestiorrby clearing stuffy nose;
– sneeZing;
– itcny nose or throat;
– Itchy, watery eyes.
Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup is available in 100 ml bottles.
2. How does Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup work?
Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup provides temporary relief for runny nose, sneElzing and itd1y, watery eyes, stuffy nose and dry cough.
3. Check before you take Trlaminic Cold & Cough syrup ?
D0 not use T riaminic Cold & Cough syrup if.
– the child is allergic to any of its ingredients listed above;
– the child is taking a pi”escriptlOO monoamine oxidase
inhibitor (MAOI) (certain drugs for depression, psychiatric or emotional conditions, or Par1Unson’s disease), or tor 2 weeks after stopping the MAOI drug. If you do not know If the prescription contains a MP,QI, ask a doctor or pharmacist before giving this product.
Other medical problems:
Tell your doctor if the child has the folloY.~ng medical problems:
– heart disease, high bk>od pressure, thyroid disease, diabetes
or glaucoma;
– chronic cough that lasts or a breathing problem such as asthma or chronic bronchitis.
Other things to remember when taking Triaminic Cold & Cough
– Ask a doctor or pharmacist before use if the child is taking sedatives or tranoumzers (such as diazepam).
– d0 not use more than directed.
– Marked drowsiness may occur.
– Sedatives and nanqumzers may increase orcwsioess.
– Excitability may occur.
As Triaminic Cold & Cough syrup contains an antihistamine, it may cause some children to become less alert than they are normally. Remind the child to take extra care when taking this medicine.
4. How to take Triamlnic Cold & Cough syrup ?
Children 6 to un<!er 12 years of age (21-43 kg): 2 teaspoons (to ml) every 4 to 6 hours.
d0 not use for children under 6 years.
d0 not take more than 4 doses during 24 hours or as directed by a doctor.
if the symptoms do not improve within 7 days or occur with lever or it your child’s cough persists for more than 7 days, comes back, or occurs with a lever, rash. or persistent neecacbe. consult your doctor. What to do il a dose is missed? If you forget a dose, administer as soon as you remember, unless it IS less than 2 hours to the next dosing time. Then pursue the treatment as usual.
Whallo do if too much Tnaminic Cold & Cough syrup is taken?
In case of overdose, -comact your doctor or pharmacist
5- What side effects may Triarninic Cold & Cough syrup cause?
– nervousness, dizziness, excilability, or sleeplessness;
– drowsiness.
-dry mouth.
– headache.
If you notice any side effects not mentoned in this Ieaflet, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.
6. How to store Triaminlc Cold & Cough syrup?
d0 not use Triaminic Coki & Cough syrup after the expiry date
shown on the box. This is marked ·EXP· on the package. Storage conditions. Do not store above ~ °C. like all drugs, Triamtnic Cold & Cough syrup should be kept out of the reach of children.
7. Date of Information :
This package leaflet was last revised in February 2001.
Packs :
1 bottle 100 mr syrup
Produced by :
under licence from
Novartis Consumer Health Switzerland and its affiliate in USA