Sterile Eye/Ear Drops
Each] ml contains;
Neomycin {as sulphate) …. 3.5 mg
Polymyxin B sulphate … 16250 l.u
Neo-Pol® IS a combination of rwo bactericidal antibiotics, neomycin, an
aminoglycoside antibiotic and polymyxin B. a bactericidal agent particularly
effective against Pseudomonas aeruqlnosa. Spectrum of acnvuy includes the
following pathogenic organsisms: Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus
influenzae. Borderella pertussis. Escherichia coli, Enterobacter and Klebsiella
species. Neisseria species, and Pseudomonas aeruqmosa
Treatment of superficial ocular infections caused by susceptible micro-organisms, such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcers. blepharitis, and blepharoconjunctivitis.
Bacterial infections in acute inflarnmanon of the external ear and the auditory
rnearus (OUIIS externa). acute and chronic otitis media, post radical opera lions,
and suppuration after tympanoplasty.
Dosage and Administration:
1 – 2 drops should be instilled into the affected eye(s) every 4 hours. In severe
infections. dosage may be increased to 2 drops every hour.
Unless otherwise prescribed. 1 – 2 drops IOta the ear every 4 hours.
Neo-Pol® should be used only during one month after opening.
-Prolonged therapy with Neo-Pol®, as with other antibiotics. may result In supertnfecuon with nonsuscepnble organisms, including fungi
-Neo-Pol@ should be used with caution in;
-Patients should avoid allowing the lip or the dispensing container «
the eye’s) or surrounding structures to avoid bacterial contarntnauon.
-Hypersensitivlty to the product.
-Renal disease.
-Patlent with hearing disorders.
Side Effects:
As with other antibiotics, sensitivity reactions such as transient i burning, stinging, itching, swelling, and conjunctival erythema may some patients.
Store at temperature nor exceeding 25° C
How supplied:
10 rnl plastic dropper bottle.
Date of revision:
April 2008
produced by :
egyptian pharmacutical industries co E.I.P.I.CO.